Friday, April 25, 2008

Voice for animals, Edmonton

Animal rights groups are always looking for donations. They need money to fund their causes. Sometimes the cause is just and worthy and sometimes it's not. There are more then 100 animal rights groups in Canada, and the number is growing. With so many different animal charity groups looking for donations, how can we, the people, expect to fund them all.

Animal rights groups have also been known to misuse the donations they get as well. It might well be time for some of these animal rights groups to start standing on their own two feet.

Alberta has more jobs right now then people, anyone can get a job. I wouldn't mind so much if they worked for the money they misused. Voice for Animals in Edmonton is now pushing for us to become vegan!! A Vegan is like a vegetarian that takes it to extremes- no milk products, no use of wool, no use of leather and so on. Do I care if Voice for Animals doesn't want to drink milkshakes, nope, not a chance. Do I care if they are spending donated money to try and convince me not to drink milkshakes, damn right I do. I happen to like hamburgers and milkshakes and have no intentions of not eating them. Those people need to learn how to spend their donations a little more wisely. Voice for Animals should try and remember they are a animal rights organization, this means helping animals. (I think) As far as I can tell through researching, Voice for Animals in Edmonton has not helped out one single animal. They are simply a protest group.

We need to be more careful where our donations are going! Look carefully into the animal rights organizations that you might want to support. Do a good search on the Internet. Some of these organizations have good intentions and use the donated money properly in the best interests of the animals. Some, like Voice for Animals, has a somewhat different agenda. Voice for animals in Edmonton is like a wolf in sheep's clothing, looks great on the outside but not quite so honorable on the inside.


Anonymous said...

Voice for animals can never be trusted. Don't ever send them any money.

Anonymous said...

Who hurt you???